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Google AdWords: 5 ways to better manage your budget


“How much budget should I allocate to Google AdWords?” is one of those questions that all marketers ask themselves at some point, but for which it is impossible to give a precise answer. The thing is that in Google AdWords , the correct zambia email list 236262 contact leads budget depends on many factors and each company is different.

But this doesn’t mean you have to just play guessing games or engage in trial and error – with the right combination of tactics, you’ll have a much better chance of getting it right. And as well as spending the right amount, you also want to make sure you’re making the most of every penny. So let’s take a look at the winning strategies for managing your PPC budget well.

Google AdWords 5 ways to better manage your budget


5 key factors to better manage your Google AdWords budget

1) Spend the entire budget
It may seem unbelievable, but underspending is a common problem when it comes to managing your Google AdWords budget. More often than not, you’re missing out on valuable opportunities by not setting up your campaign correctly, according to Search Engine Journal .

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So if you’re not spending all

Check out Google AdWords’ suggestions for the ideal budget for your campaign . Here you’ll see a number of estimates of how many conversions or clicks you’ll get with different amounts. Sometimes you’ll find that raising your budget a little pays off, while other how to create shoppable posts in instagram you can lower it without affecting your results.
Adjust your bids . You may be missing out on potential clicks and conversions simply because your bids are too low. You can also take a look at AdWords’ suggestions here to see how much you should raise your bids.

Look for new options for your campaigns . If you’ve followed the two suggestions above but you’re still not using up your budget, it’s time to expand your horizons. For example, you can try adding more keywords and ad groups or running display or remarketing campaigns.

2) Take into account high and low seasons
If you have an e-commerce site, you are probably already well versed in seasonal campaigns. But even if this is not your case, seasonality is also an important factor to take into account.

Many advertisers simply divide their Google AdWords budget by 12 to decide how much to allocate to each month. But there are many keywords that have a strong seasonal component: products or problems that are more common in winter/summer, holiday periods… and a lot of other elements that we don’t usually pay attention to. There are months in which activity almost stops, so it doesn’t make sense to continue investing, and others in which we would need double the usual budget to cover demand.

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