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How to boost your sales on special sales dates

The end of the year is approaching and new sales on eCommerce events such as Hot Sale or Cyber ​​Monday are beginning to emerge . Take advantage of them to boost your online sales!

Did you know that there are special dates that can help you invoice in 1 day what you sell in an average month ? Review the Seminar that Astrid Eloff , Business Development at Mercado Shops , offer for Doppler Academy and learn all the tricks to turn these events into great opportunities for your business.

Before that We invite you to our academy training: Email Automation Marketing. Where you will learn techniques and strategies that will help you optimize your Sales Funnel.

E-commerce, an unexplor territory

Online Commerce has had exponential haiti email list 128362 contact leads growth in Latin America over the last few years, there is no doubt about that, it is the second region in the world with the greatest development: 19% annually in USD .

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However, there is still much to be done and implement by brands to achieve even greater benefits from this trend. E-commerce in LATAM represents only 3% of the retail market, while in develop countries in Europe or the Unit States it represents 11%. A huge difference, isn’t it?

This is largely due to the fact that companies are gradually adapting to the changes impos by this new form of consumption, and many are even reluctant to modify their strategy.

Don’t let the same thing happen to you! Giving these special dates the importance they deserve will help you not to be left behind and take advantage of this new context.

Stay ahead of your competition, check your calendar

Check out upcoming events so you don’t miss talent gap in digital marketing out. Keep in mind that, depending on the event, people start shopping a few days before .

You may want to use tools like Google afb directory Trends to determine which keywords are most search for when the event approaches. This will allow you to know when people start purchasing products and what terms they use when searching.

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